Buck Fizz

A rarity in the cocktail world.  This cocktail absolutely was invented for the Buck Club in London.  It was first listed in their menu in 1921.  In 1925, a similar cocktail, the mimosa, appeared on the Ritz Carlton London’s menu.  What is not known is the exact recipe of the original.  The Buck’s Club has never made it public.  Some older bartenders’ guides list grenadine as an ingredient.  What is agreed upon is the original Buck’s Fizz was more orange juice and less champagne than the original Mimosa.  

In doing research, I did find it interesting that the Trader Vic’s 1947 Bartender’s Guide did not include the Mimosa at all, and the Buck’s Fizz was only 1/2 ounce of Orange Juice and champagne.  


3 oz Orange Juice

1 1/2 oz Champagne


None but if you are making them for a party, use and orange twist per glass.


7 oz champagne flute


Squeeze oranges.  Put Champagne in the flute first and top with Orange Juice.


Refrigerate the orange juice until use for large parties.  Skim the surface of the juice most of the particulates will float to the top.  The juice will separate if allowed to sit for long enough.  Make sure the juice is homogenous before you use it.